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Tick Talk

By March 23, 2016 No Comments

This spring has been exceptionally warm, exceptionally early. All kinds of creepy crawlies like it when the warm weather starts. Fleas, Ticks, Mosquitos, Larvae from intestinal parasites, and others become active when we do in the spring & summer. The risk of transmission to our pets is higher this time of year because of this increase in activity and our own time spent outside.

Ticks are one species of parasite that can bite and attach themselves to our pets as well as to people. Creepy! But also dangerous as some species of ticks can transmit Lyme disease; a blood parasite that affects many species (humans and dogs among them). Below are two great articles on ticks and Lyme disease. If you or your pet frequent wooded areas or have contact with wildlife then tick prevention and Lyme disease awareness are important for you and your family. Prevention includes awareness, long sleeves and long pants (for people) anti-parasite medications (for pets) and vaccines for at risk animals. Please ask us how we can be a part of your preventative program.

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