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Spring has sprung

By April 7, 2015 No Comments


The snow is melting, the temperatures are not as freezing cold as they were and our thoughts are turning to green grass and sunny days. The Easter Bunny has come and gone, so summer is just around the corner. Soon our pets will be frolicking in the long grasses and flowers. It is a time to celebrate the end of another winter. But there are others out there celebrating the warm Spring weather with us; Parasites. Here in Southern Ontario, warmer weather means concerns for our pets over Fleas, Ticks, Worms & Mosquitos as well as parasite-bourne illnesses like Lyme disease and Heartworm disease. Whether your pet needs protection or not depends a lot on their lifestyle, and your veterinary health team will be more than happy to discuss risks, testing and treatment with you. In most case protection can be as simple as 1 flavoured tablet each month. Call us and book your pet in for an appointment so we can set your mind at ease and let you get back to enjoying the Springtime with your best friend.

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